Order control keeps most of the information used to show a website in a database. Changes to the website are also made imeadiately, and there is no "undo" button. Therefore it is very important to make regular backups of the database. It is also a good idea to make (and download) a backup of the files of the website (Images and documents.)
Most versions of Order Control automatically make a backup of the database when you login. If you are making plenty of changes, then it is a good idea to make another backup between logins.
Early Versions of OC: Click "Backups" at the top right; then select Database Backups.
Later Versions of OC: Click "Order Control" at the top right; then select Database Backups.
Once on the Database Backups page, click "Create New...". You should see a message that the new backup has been created. You should download the file for safe keeping.
Most Websites do not change the images and documents that regularly, at least not as regularly as the text changes. Therefore Zip backups are not made automatically. Depending on how often this content changes for you, you should select a backup frequency which will ensure you have a copy of all of the files used on the website.
Early Versions of OC: Click "Backups" at the top right; then select Zip Backups.
Later Versions of OC: Click "Order Control" at the top right; then select Zip Backups.
Once on the Zip Backups page, click "Create New...". You should see a message that the new backup has been created. You should download the file for safe keeping.
Backup files are given a string of numbers as part of the file name. This is the Year - Month - Day - Hour - Minute - Second that this backup was made. You can therefore tell how old a backup is.
If you need a backup restored, please contact us, as we will need to do this for you.