We have been having issues sending email to hotmail / live / outlook email addresses (all controlled by Microsoft).
We have completed the steps requested by Microsoft, but they are not honouring our requests, and are basically ignoring us.
We can only advise you contact your recipients in another way, and request non-microsoft controlled accounts. Also ask them to contact their email provider, and request that email from you be allowed.
We have been working on updates to our Email servers to adjust for the increase in SPAM since the beginning of the year. Trend Micro report a increase of about 200 Billion email per day.
The two most recent waves have come from Brazil and Turkey. We have taken action against huge number of IP Addresses from these countries.
We have also included other defence measures to reduce the impact of the attacks using our servers to send spam.
Currently we are working on our email platforms. This covers our general email servers, and our dedicated email servers.
We have seen a big rise in the number of attacks against SMTP, with attackers trying to crack passwords for generic accounts (like admin, info...), so that they can send spam email, from our trusted servers.
We have also spotted some IP Addresses attempting to send spam email to email addresses we host. We are adding these to a block-list as well.
We have already banned over 10,000 IP Addresses, and have put in place some automated systems to increase this number.
You may notice a reduction in spam email to your account.
If you think you have been negatively affected by this work, please check your IP Addresses on this page.
[2017-01-12 18:00] We are currently experiencing serious problems with email services. (Since approx. 2017-01-12 15:00.)
This is due to a spam attack directed at four of our Email Servers.
We are working on these issues, please bear with us.
[2017-01-13 09:00] Currently all services are working, but a backlog of email needs to be processed. Email between 2017-01-12 15:00 and 2017-01-13 08:00 may be delayed.
[2017-01-13 13:00] Systems are stable, but backlog is taking time to clear.
[2017-01-13 18:00] All email has been delivered.
If you are having trouble accessing any of your email accounts, please CALL 01233 666263 for a password reset.
If you are having a technical problem which is not listed above, please contact us.