Many people confuse Page Titles with Headings, Page Titles appear in the tabs at the top of the browser. Page Headings are the larger size text on the page itself. Both are very important as search engines use them to decide what your website, and each page, is about.
Page Titles are quite often completely missed, as web pages display properly without them, but there are points to be scored here, so make sure they are there and that they decribe your page properly.
Search engines (especially Google) look at Page Titles, and "Rate" each word in them. The first word is worth more than the next, and so on. Because of this, make sure your first word is your main keyword for that page. Examples...
"Goldhosts website design" would advertise goldhosts more, whereas
"Website design at Goldhosts" would advertise website design more.
Another key fact about Page Titles is the use of HTML. Although modern browsers will display the ampersand (&) correctly in the browser, it can confuse the search engine spiders, therefore it should be avoided at all costs.
Page Titles should ideally be limited in length to about 160 characters. Not all search engines will read this many, but it is rare for search engines to read more. Some Search Engines will not accept Page Titles which are too long.
Search Engines often use the Page Title to display as the main clickable link in the result, so make sure you make these read nicely for human beings too...
For more help with Page Titles and promoting your website, please contact us for a free consultation.